Friday, August 05, 2005

Right, Bulgarian reflections. Well - to explain, I've just been out on a UCCF summer team to teach english and the gospel to Bulgarian students. I had an amazing time, full of fun, fotos and the faithfulness of God. I was thoroughly refreshed again by the simplicity and amazingness ofthe gospel. Again and again I told of the love of God, of how Jesus' death deals with all our rubbishness and means we can come to God, I never got bored of telling it. At one point, when giving a talk on 'how can I have a relationship with God' I was almost moved to tears by a fresh realisation of what Christ had done for me. It was brilliant watching God at work bringing many Bulgarians closer to him, knowing that it was all him and not us. Like Paul in Corinth when did not go with eloquence or superior wisdom when we proclaimed the testimony about God. Even if we'd had these things before (which I don't think I do anyway!) they were totally stripped away by the language barrier and we were totally reliant on Jesus Christ and him crucified. We went in weakness and fear and with much trembling (especailly before the Bulgarian students arrived, when personally I just felt completely sick and helpless, not knowing how on earth i was going to communicate the gospel to these people from a totally different culture some of whom would speak practically not english). But we relied on God's power and saw him at work (1 Cor 2:1-5) God really does use the weak and foolish things of the world (and believe me we were increbibly foolish (what happened in Bulgaria, stays in Bulgaria the mantre which I'm afraid Mr Dave Long and his 1200 photos plus video clips may break!))


Blogger Ed Goode said...

Hey man, good stuff. I really miss Bulgaria, role on 2006!!

Sat Aug 06, 09:12:00 am  

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