This time a year ago....
January. My favourite month. Not. January last year was one of the hardest months I've faced in recent times. I had lots of things going on, not least my health was really bad. This time lsat year was when my eyes first started to hurt ot a point where I couldn't see. This was a well scary experience (well a series of well scary experiences), I didn't know why my eyes were hurting so much, I didn't know why I was losing my sight, and at times I even wondered if I was going to get it back again. I distinctly remember lying on my bed in my darkened room, head buried in a pillow listening to 'When the tears fall' by Tim Hughes and praying its final line: 'when confusion is all around me and the darkness is my closest friend, still I will praise you, Jesus praise you.' I was confused and scared about what was happening, but I knew that God would still stay faithful to his promises. I knew that he would never leave me or forsake me, and I knew that although this life can be big pants at times, Jesus is coming back, and he will wipe away every tear from our eyes. And if that is true, then I have no reason not to praise him, no matter what earthly situation I'm in. A year on, the pains been diagnosed as hyper-dryness in my eyes, I've been using eyedrops reguarly and now although I still get pain in my eyes its nowhere near as intense as it was. God remains faithful, and I still need to remember to praise Him in every situation.
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