Sunday, February 25, 2007

Is this world just a pile of poo?

Man this world seriously sucks sometimes. At the moment, I'm really noticing how rubbish it can be. A teenager from Rock was killed in a car crash over the weekend - how awful, I can only imagine the intense pain her family is going through - wasn't God powerful enough to stop it happening? I know far too many people who are being seriously affected by cancer at the moment - something I still bear the scars of, and am still in pain from. Is God not loving enough to stop this? Is God just looking on unsympathetically? Doesn't He care? Isn't He powerful enough to stop all the oo that's going on? I'm studying Habakkuk at the moment - its awesome coz its so real. Habakkuk throws these kinds of quesitons at God - looking at he messed up world around him, he cries out to God 'How long, O LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen?' - don't you care God? I love that these questions are asked in the Bible - they are not question that we should be afraid to ask - it is fine to cry out to God in the midst of a messed up world. And God answers Habakkuk, but He answers in a bizarre way, basically - he does care and he is gong to act, but the way he is going to act is far differenet from waht Habakkuk would expect, so again Habakkuk quesitons him. As Habakkuk questions God the second time, he again questions what God is doing - but as he does that he affirms who God is - he calls God 'my Rock' he calls him 'Yahweh' (God's name which reminds Israel that he is a God who keeps his promises). Even through quesitoning, we need to remember who God is - we may not understand always why God allows things to happen, but we can know that God is a God who keeps his promises - he is a rock, our unchanging comfort in hard times or good. God is good even when this world is rubbish. We always have reason to be joyfully - not necessarily a grinning like a cat type of joyfully, often just a deep joy that goes far deeper than circumstances. I want to be able to say with Habakkuk 'though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in God my Saviour'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes this is the sad truth of the world- some kids get cancer and die long slow painful deaths in front of their loved ones, resulting in unimaginable grief and pain. Some people lead easy lives relatively grief free- why? because they are 'better' people? No. Because that is life, there is no God looking out for us. What God would decide to make people suffer as much as some people do? To 'teach us'? That kind of cruelty is ungodlike to me, therefore no god. even if I thought there was a god (which I don't) and he made a public appearance in the sky on a cloud or whatever cliche you like, there could be no justification for the pain and cruelty inflicted under his rule. Do you find devout christians are spared any of lifes difficulties or hardships compared to pagans, muslims, jews or any other non-christian group? No. What does this tell us? Religion is a concept cooked up a long time ago as a means to try and understand the world and as a crutch to help people through hard times by pretending to give meaning to their otherwise insignificant lives.

Mon Mar 05, 07:06:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear all of the bad news.

A whole month without a blog update from Lou and my life is becoming more like a world of poo.

Whats going on?

Thu Mar 29, 12:48:00 pm  

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