Quantum Mechanics and faith?
J (who is an RE teacher) interviewed me and Kevin (the physics geeks in our church) about quantum mechanics and faith a few weeks ago. The podcast is here (which is a brilliant website that J has produced about worldviews - it also has a really moving interview with Liz, one of my friends from church whose son had a brain tumour.)
Bear in mind this interview took place without much warning on a random car journey whilst I was knackered (these are my excuses for maybe not always explaining things as clearly as possible.. thankfully Kevin is generally more on than ball than me! (and I would like to point out that at one point it sounds like I arrogantly interupt to explain about Schrodinger's cat - but J has kindly edited out Kevin going 'Lou can explain this..') Anyway - its quite a random interview!
Bear in mind this interview took place without much warning on a random car journey whilst I was knackered (these are my excuses for maybe not always explaining things as clearly as possible.. thankfully Kevin is generally more on than ball than me! (and I would like to point out that at one point it sounds like I arrogantly interupt to explain about Schrodinger's cat - but J has kindly edited out Kevin going 'Lou can explain this..') Anyway - its quite a random interview!
Petaldust! How did I not know about this? Maybe Jason mentioned this site and I just wasn't listening? I need to let Samera know! You were amazingly lucid.
Hi Lou
I was interested to hear this interview. I didn't realise that you were such a passionate scientist (or indeed such a passionate Christian), and it was cool to hear you talking about it.
I was a Christian when I was at uni, but I now consider myself an atheist. I have a good friend who's a Christian and he admitted to me that it's easier NOT to believe than it is to believe, but he felt that that shouldn't necessarily stop you from believing. I find it curious when people argue that it takes more faith NOT to believe in God than to believe in him. Seems kind of counter-intuitive. I think that especially for anyone who has experienced any real suffering, it's certainly easier NOT to believe in God. Even if you've had a fairly cushty life though, I think that the apparent lack of sense and order in what happens in the world generally doesn't point to there being someone in charge. The world's a fairly stinky and corrupt place in many ways, and it's hard to believe that a supreme and perfect being could be responsible for it. I love that Monty Python song which says "all things sick and cancerous" because that it clearly a corollary of him creating "all things bright and beautiful". I know that the Bible says all this happened as a result of sin, but come on - how could human beings be responsible for all this? We're only little, and I think it's a pretty poor show on God's part if he's going to blame us for everything that's wrong with the world when we couldn't possibly be responsible for it. He's the creator (supposedly) - let him answer for his own creation and stop blaming the ones he (supposedly) created. Anyway, I think that's all myth anyway so it's academic, but I find it hard to believe that people can take it seriously.
Anyway, it was interesting reading your blog, and hearing this interview. I think we could have an interesting debate (although I know you won't expect to convince me - that's the holy spirit's job, right?)
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