By careful what you pray...
A week ago today we had 'family time' in our house - this happens about every 2 weeks - we eat dinner, study the Bible and pray together. Last week we had a pretty awesome prayer time - remembering that Jesus died for us. We sang 'Blessed be your name' and then I prayed a really stupid prayer. You see - awful things have happened to our landlords family that I won't go into here, and we had a suspician that he might want his house back at the end of our 6 month contract (in December). I prayed something along the lines of 'Lord - if in this awful situation it is your will to boot us out of this house, then let it be and help us to say 'you give and take away, blessed be your name'' Oooh praying prayers like that is dangerous. Coz God might just answer them. And he did. The next morning we had a phonecall from our landlord in tears - asking if he could have the house back - not in december - but asap. Now, we really want to be in the hollingbury area, and it had taken us 4 months to find this house (very few 4 beds in hollingbury) but straight away we were on to Rightmove - there was a beautiful looking 4 bed house available in a street 5 mins from where we were. We looked at it that day, took it, then decided to move out as soon as we could and go live with others while we watned for the paperwork to go through. So we piled all of our stuff into the front room of our old house on saturday (it looks like a work of art!) and were homelessly limped off to be taken in by lovely friends. We've now found our moving in date is next monday (my birthday!) so we'll be in our new house by the time our next 'family time' is due. God has a sense of humour as well as being an awesome provider. But I may hold back on the scary prayers this time... just for a week or so...!